I run FOKUS KIND Medien
a network of 20 portals and apps targeting the international parenting market with
450.000 visitors per month in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Find out more about these projects on BabyForum.at,
Schwanger.at, KinderKram.com, KindAktuell.at,
iWoman App or my other online services for parents. In addition I founded the German B2B magazine
Babybranche and moderate the affiliated XING group.
As Co-Founder of APPlyzer
I inspect the global app market and deliver reliable data to app publishers, marketers, investors and advertisers.
Companies ask for my consultancy and digital auditing. I give advice and share ideas on user-generated content, online community-behaviour, Open Source, ASO, SEO, UX design, analytics, metrics and gamification in the digital domain with
my company CRAFT & VALUE
Recently I founded yaaBaby
an ecological and sustainability-driven e-commerce with a - you won't guess it - physical Warehouse.
you can find my works of illustration and screen printing. Toegther with Markus I print and collect the work of preferably weird illustrators.
Here and then I give talks
about digitalization, App Store optimization or marketing in the baby industry.
I create alienated sounds with synthesizers and drum sets and used to run the
Netlabel pol.arise.d.kids
some people might remember.